Christmas wishes from Ionian University’s Rectorates’ Council
Posted: 18-12-2024 10:50 | Views: 2052
Ionian University’s Rectorate Council wishes to all Academic Community and friends of the University Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ionian University at International Fair of Thessaloniki - 7-15/09/2024
Posted: 02-09-2024 17:49 | Updated: 08-09-2024 15:36 | Views: 6167
Ionian University participates for the fourth consecutive year in International Fair of Thessaloniki, which will take place from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 September 2024 (TIF - Helexpo, Egnatia 154, Thessaloniki). The Foundation's presence in the previous three years was a great success, making its participation in the event an institution.
General Information on Student Affairs and Student Welfare - Incoming students for studies
Posted: 03-07-2024 17:32 | Views: 756
All the Necessary Documents for free Boarding and Housing related to Incoming students for studies are updated and availale at Erasmus+ page - Incoming students for studies - Studies: Student Affairs and Student Welfare
Visit of administrators and professors from the university “Universitat Jaume I (UJI) | Jaume I University, Castellon de la Plana”
Posted: 22-04-2024 14:44 | Views: 925
Administrators of Ionian University International & Public Relations Department with Ms. Olga Carbo, Coordinator of the Unit of Diversity and Disability from Jaume I University, Castellon de la Plana in Spain, and other visitors in the photo.
Post about IU Public & International Relations Dept. by the Institute of Literary and Linguistics (UJK Kielce)
Posted: 18-04-2024 13:35 | Views: 652
From the recent visit of Professor of Applied Linguistics Ms. Monika Łodej (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce) to Ionian University’s International & Public Relations Department.
Ionian University International and Public Relations Department has moved!
Posted: 01-04-2024 15:11 | Views: 1319
Ionian University International and Public Relations Department has moved!
New address: Terma Kolokotroni on the 1st floor.
Welcome Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day
Posted: 19-03-2024 15:51 | Views: 1550
On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, the Department of International and Public Relations of the Ionian University and the ESN Ionian University Candidate Section welcomed incoming Erasmus students (Welcome Day Erasmus Incoming Students).
6th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2024] - Hard deadline extension for submission [29/03/2024]
Posted: 12-01-2024 16:08 | Updated: 14-03-2024 12:20 | Views: 18091
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 6th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2024) which will be held in hybrid way - online and in the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece), on Friday 24 May and on Saturday 25 May 2024. Also on 26-27 May, 2024 the joint conference "Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" will take place. Hard deadline extension for submission of extended abstracts: 13 March 29 March, 2024 (14.00 CET)
Welcome day for Incoming Erasmus Students – Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Posted: 12-03-2024 11:16 | Updated: 12-03-2024 13:49 | Views: 1842
Ionian University welcomes Incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year- Spring Semester 2024, on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, at Ionian University (72, I. Theotoki Street) at 12:00 pm.
UCY - Open positions at the KIOS CoE
Posted: 06-03-2024 13:32 | Views: 975
On behalf of the International Relations Service of the University of Cyprus (UCY), please find attached the following announcement regarding a Career Opportunity at the KIOS Centre of Excellence
Introduction of the Chinese Language to the Ionian University
Posted: 02-02-2024 18:31 | Views: 7545
2024, the chinese year of the Dragon
Teaching the Chinese Language at I.U.
The teaching of the Chinese language is offered to the students of the Ionian University without tuition fees based on the relevant agreement signed between the Ionian University, the Department of Foreign Languages Translation and Interpreting and the UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University with the Chinese Center (...)
The Ionian region is developing at the center of academic cooperation between Greece and China
Posted: 18-01-2024 20:29 | Views: 7790
The Rector of the Ionian University, Professor Andreas Floros and the President of Beijing Language and Culture University, Professor Duan Peng signed a Framework Agreement providing for the establishment of a Greek Sinology Center.
Ionian University Erasmus+ International Mobility
Posted: 18-01-2024 10:45 | Views: 9992
IKY/ Hellenic National Erasmus+ Coordination Unit | Higher Education, sent the contract 2023-1-EL01-KA171-HED-000139565, concerning the Mobility of Students and Staff of Higher Education Institutions financed by foreign policy funds, in the framework of the Erasmus+/ KA1 Program: Learning Mobility of Individuals, for 2023.
Christmas wishes from Ionian University’s Rectorates’ Council
Posted: 11-12-2023 11:13 | Views: 2453
Ionian University’s Rectorate Council wishes to all Academic Community and friends of the University
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Study in Greece thank you note
Posted: 28-11-2023 13:04 | Views: 536
«Pharos Anniversary Virtual Celebration» took place on the 14th of November 2023. A fruitful event that promised new collaborations for all involvement parts.
Ionian University’s International Mobility in Erasmus+
Posted: 21-11-2023 12:32 | Views: 29247
Ionian University’s proposal was evaluated from the State Scholarship Foundation Erasmus+ and got approval of Funding (Grand Award Decision) in accordance with the results of the qualitative assessment for the whole part of the action ICM KA171/2023.
Erasmus+ International Staff Week 4-8 December 2023 at European University, Georgia
Posted: 01-11-2023 13:53 | Views: 491
An exciting academic adventure: Erasmus+ International Staff Week happening at European University, Georgia, from December 4th - 8th, 2023. The application deadline is November 1st.
Internship position at International Relations Office at UAX, Madrid, Spain
Posted: 20-10-2023 15:04 | Views: 1165
Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day
Posted: 13-10-2023 09:22 | Views: 8580
On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, the Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day 2023-2024 was successfully held on the premises of the Ionian University Library.
Welcome Day for incoming Erasmus students: 10 October 2023
Posted: 19-09-2023 17:53 | Updated: 06-10-2023 12:25 | Views: 3446
Ionian University welcomes incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year on the 10th October 2023 at Ionian University Library (I.Theotoki 72) at 11:00. Event is organized by Ionian University and I.U. International and Public Relations Office.
ESN: 1st Erasmus Student Network Event by ESN CS Ionian University (02.10.23)
Posted: 29-09-2023 17:12 | Views: 809
Την Δευτέρα 2 Οκτωβρίου 2023 και ώρα 17:00, στην Αίθουσα Συνελεύσεων, θα πραγματοποιηθεί η πρώτη συνάντηση γνωριμίας με το ESN (Erasmus Student Network) του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου.
Internship as a Teacher Assistant in Trilingual Montessori “Morningside Montessori Elementary Private School” (January-June 2024).
Posted: 22-09-2023 12:51 | Views: 1050
Students in the fields of education, languages, social sciences, humanities, geography, natural sciences, etc. can apply.
Erasmus Placements in Cyprus 2024 (Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute)
Posted: 20-09-2023 17:07 | Views: 802
Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute (, is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization established in north Cyprus with a focus on the protection of local species and habitats.
Applications for scholarships at Radcliffe Institute
Posted: 12-09-2023 13:20 | Views: 1029
Radcliffe fellows are exceptional scientists, writers, scholars, public intellectuals, and artists whose work is making a difference in their professional fields and in the larger world.
The “Western Balkanship” project - Call for Applications
Posted: 05-09-2023 13:36 | Views: 1039
The “Western Balkanship” project, a pilot project funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) through The Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative Foundation (PS AII).