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Course in “Intercultural Communication” for Incoming Erasmus Students (academic year 2022-23)
Posted: 22-09-2022 12:11 | Views: 1584
In the framework of Ionian University’s internationalization process that aims at attracting higher number of international students, under the Erasmus + program, the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting offers a new course titled “Intercultural Communication” to new Incoming Erasmus Students.
Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Posted: 06-07-2022 14:37 | Views: 23630
The academic calendar for the year 2022-2023 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
New course in “Intercultural Communication” launched in 2021-22, available for Incoming Erasmus Students
Posted: 18-05-2021 14:29 | Views: 3642
In the framework of Ionian University’s internationalization process that aims at attracting higher number of international students, under the Erasmus + program, the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting offers a new course titled “Intercultural Communication” to new Incoming Erasmus Students. The course kicks off next academic year 2021-22.
Announcement: " Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19"
Posted: 12-02-2021 11:32 | Views: 20129
Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19
Academic Calendar 2020-2021
Posted: 29-07-2020 16:02 | Updated: 03-02-2021 16:28 | Views: 22803
The academic calendar for the year 2020-2021 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
Academic Calendar 2019-2020
Posted: 18-04-2019 18:05 | Updated: 31-07-2020 13:36 | Views: 35392
The academic calendar for the year 2019-2020 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
" Postponement of Erasmus+Mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester 2020-21"
Posted: 24-07-2020 14:43 | Views: 18280
The Academic Senate of Ionian University (Corfu, Greece)  has made the difficult decision to postpone all incoming and outgoing mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester of the academic year 2020-2021 to the next Spring Semester or the next academic year, due to COVID-19. We believe this decision is in the best interest of the students given the current circumstances, and truly hope that (...)
Announcement on COVID-19 for Erasmus+ incoming students and staff in Ionian University
Posted: 13-03-2020 22:01 | Views: 18726
Following the recent developments on COVID-19 current outbreak, we would like to inform you that for the moment no cases have been confirmed inside the academic community of Ionian University. However, Ionian University is undertaking specific preventative measures based on the Ministerial decisions issued on the temporary closure of all schools and universities in the country.
New website for International & Public Relations Department
Posted: 02-07-2019 13:50 | Views: 20798
International & Public Relations Department of the Ionian University has new and modern website. In the sections of the new website one can find information on public and international relations and information on the Erasmus program and internships.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 25-06-2019 13:55 | Views: 1846
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Development Internship (TELDS1906), Data Analyst Internship (SLADA1006).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 31-05-2019 12:27 | Views: 1835
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Development Engineer (Compiler & toolchain) Internship, Software Engineering Internship, Junior QA_App Testing & Evaluation Internship, Deep Web Software Engineering Internship, Business Intelligence Internship, E-Commerce internship.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 10-05-2019 11:38 | Views: 1929
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Android or iOS Development Internship (COTAN2904), Software Development Internship (CORSD0911).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 06-05-2019 15:52 | Views: 1877
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: UX-UI Design Internship (FATUX2702), Deep Web Software Engineering, Internship (AMPSE1102), Android or iOS Development Internship (COTAN2904), App Development Internship (DATAP2903).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 16-04-2019 11:45 | Views: 1837
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Engineering Internship (BRISE2903)
Erasmus+ Internships in Prague
Posted: 11-09-2018 11:56 | Views: 2253
Attached files
    Internship in Prague
Size: 662.49 KB :: Type: PDF document
    Information about Internship
Size: 535.63 KB :: Type: PDF document
Educa-Languages s.r.o. provides an opportunity for students to do an Erasmus+ internship in Prague.
Graduation Timetable - November 2017
Posted: 02-11-2017 11:24 | Views: 14933
Graduation Ceremony Timetable for all the Departments of Ionian University during November 2017.
Academic Calendar 2017-2018
Posted: 31-08-2017 09:18 | Updated: 04-10-2017 11:24 | Views: 19490
The Academic Calendar 2017-2018 has been announced.
Updates on the Academic Calendar 2015-2016
Posted: 02-06-2015 14:44 | Updated: 14-04-2016 13:32 | Views: 19237
The Supplementary exams period 2015-2016 has changed. New supplementary exams period: From 08/09/2016 to 30/09/2016.
International Partnerships apart from Erasmus 2016
Posted: 07-03-2016 15:44 | Views: 2265
The table refers to the international partnerships 2016 has been updated.
Summer Holidays 2015
Posted: 27-07-2015 13:49 | Views: 12951
Summer vacation period for the year 2015 lasts from August 3rd to August 28th, 2015.
File Update for Erasmus+ 2015-2016
Posted: 24-04-2015 13:26 | Views: 2344
We inform all students that the files International Students' Guide and Erasmus Cultural Guide for the academic year 2015-2016 have been updated. See webpage Erasmus (...)
International internships on
Posted: 10-03-2015 13:29 | Views: 2356
We would like to inform students about, an online international internship job board founded in 2003 with support from the European commission.
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