New course in “Intercultural Communication” launched in 2021-22, available for Incoming Erasmus Students

Posted: 18-05-2021 14:29 | Views: 3610

New course in “Intercultural Communication” launched in 2021-22, available for Incoming Erasmus Students


In the framework of Ionian University’s internationalization process that aims at attracting higher number of international students, under the Erasmus + program, the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting offers a new course titled “Intercultural Communication” to new Incoming Erasmus Students.

The course kicks off next academic year 2021-22.

More details on the course:


“Intercultural Communication”

Duration: one semester (offered in both Winter & Spring Semesters), 3hrs/weekly

Mode of Teaching: Blended (face-to-face & online, synchronous-asynchronous)


Language of Instruction: English

Course Description

The course introduces Erasmus+ students to core aspects of culture and conceptualizes notions related to it. The course examines the communication-culture interplay. Emphasis is given to the influence of culture on communication in general and also as it relates to cross-cultural interactions.

The Aim

The main aim of this course is to help students understand the complexities of culture and communication and to help them develop their intercultural awareness and sensitivity so as to enhance their overall intercultural communication competence.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Gain a deeper understanding of the cultural-communication interplay

Become increasingly more interculturally aware and sensitive and develop intercultural communication competence

Adapt more easily in the new academic and social milieu 


Topics Covered


Cultural dimension paradigms


The link between cultural and communication

Development of intercultural communication understanding and competence

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Cultural misunderstandings and cross-cultural conflicts

Culture shock

Intercultural sensitivity, empathy

Stereotypes, attitudes, perception


Teaching Tools


Role-playing activities

Simulation activities

Case studies



Course Assessment:

Oral group presentation (weight: 50%)

Written Assignment (weight: 50%)


For more information on this course, you can contact the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator, Assoc. Professor Dr. Ioannis Karras –




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