The Rector of Sofia University visited the Rector of the Ionian University [3/11/14]
Posted: 12-11-2014 11:40 | Views: 5416
The Rector of the Ionian University at the Transatlantic Dialogue 2014
Posted: 30-10-2014 12:55 | Updated: 30-10-2014 19:42 | Views: 4953
The Rector of the Ionian University visits the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Posted: 06-10-2014 19:12 | Views: 5851
Academic Calendar 2014-2015
Posted: 17-07-2014 13:01 | Views: 13976
The calendar of the academic year 2014-2015 has been updated, including the important dates of both academic semesters, the exam and holiday dates.
The Rector of the Ionian University meets the Chinese Ambassador in Greece
Posted: 13-12-2013 15:19 | Views: 6907
Graduation ceremony for all the Departments of the Ionian University [17/01/2013]
Posted: 11-01-2013 14:43 | Views: 4837
International and Public Relations Department: LLP/Erasmus calls and website update
Posted: 17-12-2012 14:47 | Views: 6119
We would like to inform our teaching staff, administrative staff and students of the Ionian University that the site of the Department of International and Public Relations has been updated for the 2012-2013 academic year.
8th Step Meeting: Science and Technology in the European Periphery
Posted: 18-06-2012 13:40 | Views: 5008
Consultation concerning matters of ERASMUS mobility
Posted: 27-04-2012 15:51 | Views: 4524
We inform the students of the Ionian University for two consultations that concern matters of ERASMUS mobility.The objective of the consultation is to gather views about how the quality of traineeships can be enhanced in order to help young career starters make a smooth transition from education to work.
Consultation on Access to a bank account by Erasmus and exchange studentsDeadline for (...)
Erasmus 2011-2012
Posted: 16-05-2011 15:48 | Views: 5302
Update: 16-05-2011 (updated Erasmus student Guide 2011-12) Useful information for incoming ERASMUS Students, Application forms and Key data sheet.
Corfu Summer School 2010 - Final Report
Posted: 19-01-2011 14:46 | Views: 4190
Mr Bastian Baumann's Final Report of the last session of the Corfu Summer School is published.
The attached file contains the full text of the (...)