Ionian University Erasmus+ International Mobility

Posted: 18-01-2024 10:45 | Views: 10014

IKY/ Hellenic National Erasmus+ Coordination Unit | Higher Education, sent the contract 2023-1-EL01-KA171-HED-000139565, concerning the Mobility of Students and Staff of Higher Education Institutions financed by foreign policy funds, in the framework of the Erasmus+/ KA1 Program: Learning Mobility of Individuals, for 2023.

The contract concerns the proposal of Ionian University, which was approved, and includes the following regions: USA, Canada, countries of sub-Saharan Africa and countries of the Western Balkans.

Rector Professor Andreas Floros and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, International Relations and Outreach Professor Katerina Kampassi congratulate the team that drafted the proposal, which is an important step in the internationalization of Ionian University.

The Institutional Responsible Erasmus Associate Professor Ioannis Karras, Associate Professor Olaf Immanuel Seel, Assistant Professor Naoum Mylonas, Academic Scholar Stavros Kozombolis and the staff of Ionian University International and Public Relations Department contributed for the finalized submitted and approved proposal.


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