Post about IU Public & International Relations Dept. by the Institute of Literary and Linguistics (UJK Kielce)
Posted: 18-04-2024 13:35 | Views: 715
From the recent visit of Professor of Applied Linguistics Ms. Monika Łodej (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce) to Ionian University’s International & Public Relations Department.
Ionian University International and Public Relations Department has moved!
Posted: 01-04-2024 15:11 | Views: 1387
Ionian University International and Public Relations Department has moved!
New address: Terma Kolokotroni on the 1st floor.
Welcome day for Incoming Erasmus Students – Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Posted: 12-03-2024 11:16 | Updated: 12-03-2024 13:49 | Views: 1991
Ionian University welcomes Incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year- Spring Semester 2024, on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, at Ionian University (72, I. Theotoki Street) at 12:00 pm.
Ionian University’s International Mobility in Erasmus+
Posted: 21-11-2023 12:32 | Views: 29461
Ionian University’s proposal was evaluated from the State Scholarship Foundation Erasmus+ and got approval of Funding (Grand Award Decision) in accordance with the results of the qualitative assessment for the whole part of the action ICM KA171/2023.
Erasmus+ International Staff Week 4-8 December 2023 at European University, Georgia
Posted: 01-11-2023 13:53 | Views: 533
An exciting academic adventure: Erasmus+ International Staff Week happening at European University, Georgia, from December 4th - 8th, 2023. The application deadline is November 1st.
Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day
Posted: 13-10-2023 09:22 | Views: 8834
On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, the Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day 2023-2024 was successfully held on the premises of the Ionian University Library.
Welcome Day for incoming Erasmus students: 10 October 2023
Posted: 19-09-2023 17:53 | Updated: 06-10-2023 12:25 | Views: 3594
Ionian University welcomes incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year on the 10th October 2023 at Ionian University Library (I.Theotoki 72) at 11:00. Event is organized by Ionian University and I.U. International and Public Relations Office.
Press release for the progress of project actions “IRSCHEN” (Interdisciplinary Resilience through Science and Cultural Heritage Network)
Posted: 14-11-2022 14:38 | Views: 2658
Course in “Intercultural Communication” for Incoming Erasmus Students (academic year 2022-23)
Posted: 22-09-2022 12:11 | Views: 1638
In the framework of Ionian University’s internationalization process that aims at attracting higher number of international students, under the Erasmus + program, the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting offers a new course titled “Intercultural Communication” to new Incoming Erasmus Students.
New course in “Intercultural Communication” launched in 2021-22, available for Incoming Erasmus Students
Posted: 18-05-2021 14:29 | Views: 3690
In the framework of Ionian University’s internationalization process that aims at attracting higher number of international students, under the Erasmus + program, the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting offers a new course titled “Intercultural Communication” to new Incoming Erasmus Students.
The course kicks off next academic year 2021-22.
Announcement: " Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19"
Posted: 12-02-2021 11:32 | Views: 20406
Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19
" Postponement of Erasmus+Mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester 2020-21"
Posted: 24-07-2020 14:43 | Views: 18582
The Academic Senate of Ionian University (Corfu, Greece) has made the difficult decision to postpone all incoming and outgoing mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester of the academic year 2020-2021 to the next Spring Semester or the next academic year, due to COVID-19.
We believe this decision is in the best interest of the students given the current circumstances, and truly hope that (...)
Announcement on COVID-19 for Erasmus+ incoming students and staff in Ionian University
Posted: 13-03-2020 22:01 | Views: 19038
Following the recent developments on COVID-19 current outbreak, we would like to inform you that for the moment no cases have been confirmed inside the academic community of Ionian University. However, Ionian University is undertaking specific preventative measures based on the Ministerial decisions issued on the temporary closure of all schools and universities in the country.
New website for International & Public Relations Department
Posted: 02-07-2019 13:50 | Views: 21085
International & Public Relations Department of the Ionian University has new and modern website. In the sections of the new website one can find information on public and international relations and information on the Erasmus program and internships.
File Update for Erasmus+ 2015-2016
Posted: 24-04-2015 13:26 | Views: 2361
We inform all students that the files International Students' Guide and Erasmus Cultural Guide for the academic year 2015-2016 have been updated. See webpage Erasmus (...)
8th Step Meeting: Science and Technology in the European Periphery
Posted: 18-06-2012 13:40 | Views: 5089
Erasmus 2011-2012
Posted: 16-05-2011 15:48 | Views: 5373
Update: 16-05-2011 (updated Erasmus student Guide 2011-12) Useful information for incoming ERASMUS Students, Application forms and Key data sheet.