3-month internship opportunity for students belonging to the UniAdrion Universities network
Posted: 08-02-2024 10:35 | Views: 1139
The Association of Universities of the Adriatic Ionian Region (UniAdrion), together with the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (Forum AIC), is promoting an internship opportunity for students belonging to the UniAdrion Universities network.
Internship position at International Relations Office at UAX, Madrid, Spain
Posted: 20-10-2023 15:04 | Views: 1167
For current students or recent graduates.
Erasmus Placements in Cyprus 2024 (Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute)
Posted: 20-09-2023 17:07 | Views: 802
Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute (, is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization established in north Cyprus with a focus on the protection of local species and habitats.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 29-10-2019 11:03 | Views: 1874
The European Student Placement Agency UK team is happy to announce that has internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 19-09-2019 14:28 | Views: 1791
The European Student Placement Agency UK team is happy to announce that we have new internship opportunities for your students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 06-09-2019 11:17 | Views: 1823
The European Student Placement Agency UK team is happy to announce that we have new internship opportunities for your students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 03-09-2019 15:35 | Views: 1995
The European Student Placement Agency UK team is happy to announce that we have new internship opportunities for your students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 02-09-2019 11:44 | Views: 1820
The European Student Placement Agency UK team is happy to announce that we have new internship opportunities for your students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 23-07-2019 12:43 | Views: 1865
The European Student Placement Agency UK team is happy to announce that we have new internship opportunities for your students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in Marketing, IT and Design!
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 17-07-2019 12:10 | Views: 1772
The European Student Placement Agency UK team offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT!
New website for International & Public Relations Department
Posted: 02-07-2019 13:50 | Views: 20503
International & Public Relations Department of the Ionian University has new and modern website. In the sections of the new website one can find information on public and international relations and information on the Erasmus program and internships.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 27-06-2019 12:47 | Views: 1777
The European Student Placement Agency UK team offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in Business, Marketing, and IT!
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 25-06-2019 13:55 | Views: 1825
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Development Internship (TELDS1906), Data Analyst Internship (SLADA1006).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 18-06-2019 13:07 | Views: 1797
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Engineering Internship (XMOSE0205), Software Development Engineer (Compiler & toolchain) Internship (XMOCO2205), Front End Development Internship (FROFE0406), Back End Development Internship (FROBE0406).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 31-05-2019 12:27 | Views: 1815
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Development Engineer (Compiler & toolchain) Internship, Software Engineering Internship, Junior QA_App Testing & Evaluation Internship, Deep Web Software Engineering Internship, Business Intelligence Internship, E-Commerce internship.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 10-05-2019 11:38 | Views: 1910
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Android or iOS Development Internship (COTAN2904), Software Development Internship (CORSD0911).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 06-05-2019 15:52 | Views: 1853
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: UX-UI Design Internship (FATUX2702), Deep Web Software Engineering, Internship (AMPSE1102), Android or iOS Development Internship (COTAN2904), App Development Internship (DATAP2903).
Erasmus+ Internship in Rome [Italy]
Posted: 06-05-2019 15:35 | Views: 1851
Giovani nel Mondo Assocation, the organizing body behind the Rome Model UN - the largest diplomatic simulation in Italy and one of the largest in Europe offers Erasmus+ internship for 6 months in Rome Italy.
Internship in London
Posted: 06-05-2019 15:20 | Views: 1823
Education Office at the Greek Embassy in London offers Erasmus+ Internship opportunities.
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 16-04-2019 11:45 | Views: 1816
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Engineering Internship (BRISE2903)
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 11-04-2019 12:44 | Views: 1729
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: UX-UI Design Internship (FATUX2702), Software Development Internship (KAISD0603), App Development Internship (DATAP2903), .NET developer Internship (PATDOT1812), Software Development Internship (CORSD0911).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 02-04-2019 13:04 | Views: 1830
The European Student Placement Agency UK offers new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Software Development Internship (ETASD1312), Software Development Internship (KAISD0603), Software Development Internship (CORSD0911), Software Engineering Internship (BRISE2903), App Development Internship (DATAP2903), .NET developer Internship (PATDOT1812).
Erasmus Work Placement Opportunity at Oxford Brookes Global
Posted: 26-03-2019 11:34 | Views: 1802
Find attached the job description and application form for a work
placement at Oxford Brookes Global during Semester 1 2019/2020. The
dates of the placement would be Monday 2nd September to Friday 20th
December 2019 (negotiable).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 26-03-2019 11:22 | Views: 1729
The European Student Placement Agency UK team announce new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: Data Science Internship (FILDS1203), Junior QA_App Testing & Evaluation Internship (SEEAPP2503), Software Support Internship-Web Tech (COUSOS1102).
Internship Opportunities in the UK & Ireland
Posted: 21-03-2019 13:50 | Views: 1699
The European Student Placement Agency UK team announce new internship opportunities for students, exchange students and ERASMUS+ grant holders in IT: .NET developer Internship (PATDOT1812), Software Development Internship (CORSD0911), Software Development Internship (KAISD0603).