Δημοσίευση: 29-08-2016 10:04 | Προβολές: 866
    Συνημμένο Αρχείο 1
Mέγεθος: 274.59 KB :: Τύπος: Συμπιεσμένος φάκελος

Επισυνάπτεται συμπιεσμένο αρχείο με προσφορές θέσεων πρακτικής και ακολουθεί η ανακοίνωση προσφοράς θέσεων πρακτικής:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing on behalf of a private language school  KONTAKT CJO from Poland which has been successfully hosting Erasmus+ interns from different countries.

I wonder if you could distribute our placement offers among universities taking part in Erasmus+ internship programme. We'd like our offer to reach students in your country who may be interested in taking the internship in Poland.

We are offering places for trainees who would be interested in becoming either English/German/Spanish language & cultural assistants or ICT assistants or Graphics design/Photography assistants. You can find necessary details attached.

We would be obliged if you could spread the word and send these placement offers to universities cooperating with your Agency.

Looking forward to your reply,

Martyna Wróbel

KONTAKT Centrum Języków Obcych

EDUSYSTEM Sp. z o.o.


+48 61 851 31 41


EDUSYSTEM Sp. z o.o., Plac Bernardyński 1a/1, 61-844 Poznań, NIP: 7792373110, KRS: 0000353533


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