Δημοσίευση: 20-07-2016 09:35 | Προβολές: 1092
    Συνημμένο Αρχείο 1
Mέγεθος: 261.43 KB :: Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF

Επισυνάπτεται συμπιεσμένο αρχείο με προσφορές θέσεων πρακτικής και ακολουθεί η ανακοίνωση προσφοράς θέσεων πρακτικής:

Dear Partner,

I hope this mail finds you well on this sunny summer day! The International Relations Office of Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, Germany, is looking for a motivated student interested in gaining practical experience in the field of International Relations within the framework of the Erasmus+ Placement Program. The internship will take place from September 2016 to February 2017, or from March 2017 to July 2017. Interested students can apply directly to our Head of International Office Ms. Lucia Koch.

Please find attached the detailed internship offer. Could you be so kind as to pass it on to your students or to publish it on your website?

Thank you very much. I hope to see many of you soon at this year’s EAIE in Liverpool!

All the best from Darmstadt

Friederike Klemm (M.A.)
ERASMUS Institutional Coordinator

Hochschule Darmstadt
University of Applied Sciences
Abteilung Internationalisierung   I   International Office

Haardtring 100

64295 Darmstadt

Visitor address

Building D20, Room 106

Schöfferstraße 12, 64295 Darmstadt

phone:       +49.(0)6151.16-8013
fax:            +49.(0)6151.16-8028
e-mail:        friederike.klemm@h-da.de
homepage: http://www.international.h-da.de/


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