Δημοσίευση: 02-06-2015 13:15 | Προβολές: 872

Dear colleagues,

We would wish to inform you that the International Office of the University of Málaga (Spain) is now receiving candidate applications for traineeship at our office with duration of two or three months under the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program. Students will not receive any economic compensation from the University of Málaga and therefore must come approved as Erasmus+ Trainees from their home universities, receiving their grants from this program. Traineeships months available are as follow: September-October-November 2015, January -February-March 2016 and May-June-July 2016. Candidates may choose any of these three month slots with the possibility of reducing any to a two month stay. They cannot however mix and match months to their convenience.

Candidates must fill in the following Online Application Form and then they must send their corresponding CV and presentation letter to international@uma.es . Online Application Form:

http://goo.gl/forms/hVXR0SRgu0 (More information about the position is available on the Form)

We would ask you to please send this information to any of your students that you think might be interested in this position. The deadline is the 30th June 2015, however next year we might open up again the offer if there are slots available after the first selection of candidates.


Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación (International Office)

Aulario Rosa Gálvez - Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35
Campus de Teatinos - Universidad de Málaga
29010 Málaga
España / Spain

Tfno.: +34 952 13 1111

Fax: +34 952 13 2971

E-mail: relacionesinternacionales@uma.es

E-mail for international universities and students: international@uma.es



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